Types of Battery

Battery Type Maximum Energy Density


Maximum Power Density


Operating Temperature 80% Discharge Cycles Before Replacement Approximate production cost

$ per kW/h

Commercial Availability
Lead Acid 35 150 ambient 1000 50 1997
Advanced Lead Acid 60 350 ambient 2000 150 2000
Nickel Cadmium 50 200 ambient 2000 500 1997
Nickel Metal Hydride 80 200 ambient 1200 200 Now
Sodium Nickel Chloride 120 150 300 > 1200 200 Now
Lithium Polymer 155 315 120 300 50 Prototypes
Aluminium Air 200 - 300 160 ambient - - Prototypes
Nickel Iron 50 100 ambient 200 2000 1997
Iron Air 80 - 120 90 - 500+ 80 Prototypes
Nickel Zinc 70 170 ambient 300 550 2000
Sodium Sulphur 150 230 350 1000 450 2000
Lithium Iron Sulphide 150 300 450 1000 200 Prototypes
Lithium Iron Phosphate ? ? ? ? ? Smith prototypes
Lithium Ion 80 - 130 200 - 300 - 1000+ 350 Now
Zinc Air 200 80 ambient 600 200 Prototypes
Zinc Bromide 80 100 - 1000 400 Prototypes
Vanadium Redox
20-30 110 75 - 85 - 800 Prototypes
Molten Salt
110 125 350 - - Prototypes
90 4000 Ambient 1,000,000 ? ?
15 - 50 1600-5,000 Ambient 1,000,000 ? 1997
0.13 500 Ambient 500 ? ?

Chart   Index Page   Future Battery Performance

© Designed at MIRA with some additions by JACK MOORE.