I worked for the Government of Western Australia from 1971 to 1997. My first position was with the Public Works Department and I was purchasing mobile plant for several Government departments.
I then won a promotion to the Water Board (MWSS&DB) and was in charge of the Plant Workshop at Welshpool from 1975-1985
When we merged with the PWD I found myself without a job, and was put in what was to become Electrical & Mechanical Design until 1995.
Our work was outsourced to GHD. About half of my colleagues went but I elected to stay. As I was without a job again, I became a Redeployee! For about a year, I was given work as a scheduler /analyst and found the work to be 100% PC based.
I was then placed outside the Water Corporation (who continued to pay my salary) with
King Edward and Princess Margaret Hospitals
and then with TAFE at Joondalup. After two years as a redeployee, I decided to take an offer of some extra redundancy pay and leave my government employ of 26 years!
So at age 57 I found myself redundant. I am looking for work, but no-one is interseted in my 40 years experience in industry.