Jack Moore's "Letters to the Editor"(Traffic!) Page.

Local Transport Issues
  1. Laneway Closures Also 2
  2. Country road speed limits
  3. Road tolls
  4. Free Sunday Transport
  5. Freeway to Mandurah
  6. Extend freeway now.
  7. Motorbike Number Plates
  8. Transport Solutions or politics?
  9. Extend Warwick Road now
Local Transport Issues
Perth Rail
  1. More busses
  2. Trains to Rockingham
  3. Greenwood station

Local Issues - Driving

  • Ideas to keep the Road Toll Down
  • Hand held Radar
  • Police drivers not always the best
  • Left Footers
  • Trappergate   Tailgating on Trappers Drive
  • Just cruising
  • Rosie O'Grady's
  • Message should not be moving
  • Green wave
  • Disagreement
  • Cutting in
  • Speed limit for towed trailers
  • Safer Driving
  • Better driving saves pollution
    1. Cycling
    2. Bicycle path closure
    3. Bicycles on Shared paths
    4. Reply to in depth - cyclists
    5. Shared not dual

      Air Travel
    6. Airport for the Northern Suburbs
    7. Sonic Cruiser wastes fuel

      Other Pages

    Local Issues - Transport

    9 November 1998
    The Editor, The Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,


    It grieves me to see all the instances of closure of lane ways in our city. These paths form part of a useful route for cyclists, pedestrians and users of scooters for the disabled, and enable them to take a shortcut away from traffic.

    I understand that the neighbours do not like the noise and possible misuse of the lane. This comes with our consciousness of crime today, but this would improve with increased use and confidence of the lane.

    It occurred to me recently that these lanes have no signposts. If we had a sign "through to something street" at each end of the lane, and "footpath to .... street" at the entry to a cul-de-sac, we would get more desirable traffic in the lane.

    What about it council? While you investigate, please note the number of vehicles blocking footpaths and do something.

    Yours Faithfully,

    8 September 2005
    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Laneway Closure

    Dear Sir
    Your report in Wanneroo Times Sept 6 "lane to close" due to speeding vehicles and antisocial behaviour.
    We have speeding vehicles on West Coast Drive as well. So why not close West Coast Drive?

    Regards Jack Moore

    29 January 1999
    To the "West Australian" and the Wanneroo Times (Published)
    Dear Sir,

    Regarding the debate over the speed limit: should it be changed to 100 or 120 km/hr. I would support the higher speed if the following conditions were met.

    The driver must be under 60, have a clean licence with at least 2 years experience since completion of probation and successful completion of a high speed driving course.

    The vehicle must be above the minimum road worthy standard, including having tyres no more than half worn, and be capable of at least 160 km/hr. No bubble cars or Nikki's.

    Further, overtaking a vehicle travelling at over 110 km/hr would not be allowed.

    The weather must be good, certainly not raining.

    And the road must be straight and dry, with nothing coming for at least 1 kilometer, be fully fenced and a dual carriageway.

    Yours Faithfully,

    The Editor,
    The West Australian
    18 July 2000
    Dear Sir,
    Toll Roads and the Tunnel

    The new tunnel was promoted as being toll free. I was hoping this is not an indication that tolls are to be considered in future. Not unless the Premier has no political nouse.
    The tunnel and freeways in general remove traffic from normal roads which improves safety and our standard of living. If tolls are to be introduced at all, they should apply to the normal roads where a freeway could be used.
    I remember well travelling in a minibus from Newark airport to New York. A 30 minute journey extended to 1 hour due to queuing at toll booths.
    So no tolls please!

    Yours Faithfully,

    25 Sep. 2000
    The Editor
    The "Wanneroo Times"

    Dear Sir,

    Free Sunday Transport

    I would like to reinforce the letter from Stefanie Koegel (21 Sep. 2000) regarding free transport by Transperth on Sundays. In fact you can go to Mandurah! I have made a web page for people interested in bushwalking, which links a few documented bushwalks to bus timetables. Those interested may wish to have a look: Bus walks


    The Editor, The Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,

    Freeway to Mandurah
    Published 28 November 2000

    Readers will probably remember the complaints of people south of the river that the Kwinana Freeway was not as good as the Mitchell Freeway, as they had several sets of traffic lights, five I think.

    Well, soon they will be gone. By June next year, you will be able to drive to Mandurah with only one set of traffic lights. The Freeway will be about 15 km longer than ours!

    So write to your local member and get the Mitchell Freeway extended. It is our turn to have money spent on our roads.

    A minimum extension would be to Quinns Road. This would allow better access to Barbagello Raceway, where motor racing should take place, not on Perth's foreshore!


    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,

    Extend freeway now.
    Published 20 November 2001

    It was recently reported that the freeway would be extended to Shenton Avenue by 2005. Big deal, must be nearly 2 km. Wanneroo is to keep the V8 Supercar racing.
    Yippee! Good for Western Australia.
    I am pleased - I live here.
    So how long will WA be granted this privilege? This licence to make money?
    How about extending the Freeway to Burns Beach Road? There is a reasonable link then to Wanneroo Road before the country lanes of Pinjar Road and, hopefully, Wattle Avenue.
    The Freeway extension is long overdue compared with the southern direction, which is followed by a dual carriageway to Mandurah.
    This equates to a Freeway to Alkimos and dual carriageway way past Two Rocks!
    Let us get the Freeway extended as a high priority. It will bring money to the State!


    13 July 2002 (Published)
    The Editor
    The West Australian
    Dear Sir
    Motor Cycle Plates
    Page 3 of Saturday West shows quite clearly there is room for a front number plate across a motorcycle fairing. In fact there is room for two!
    So let us get motorcycles into the real world of having their speed checked.
    Yes even mopeds can exceed the 40 km/hr speed limit near schools.


    20 October 2004
    The Editor
    To Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,
    Transport Solutions or politics?

    You have to ask if the recent meeting with Connolly residents with Dean Solly and Katie Hodson Thomas was about the freeway extension or about winning the state election.
    To me the design of the freeway would not be altered if it was designed on left or right wing principles.
    I would have thought the freeway should be "sunk" as we could always use the sand. But that is a local issue, again not political.
    And why do we need a roundabout and over a tunnel just to have access from all directions into Pontiac Way? Surely left turn in left turn out would be OK.
    There are plenty of more deserving projects. We don't like paying taxes so lets us stop wasting money.
    Finally, what a shame the Greenwood station is the only one on the Northern line with the platforms on the outside. It means I will have to move my bike to keep free access to the doors.


    --------> February 2006?
    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times (Published)

    Dear Sir
    Extend Warwick Road now

    In the early days of Marmion Avenue, crossing roads such as Warwick Road and Beach Road were offset, and the light traffic of the time did not call for traffic lights.
    Now many junctions have traffic lights you can say the situation has changed.
    For some years now, trafffic exiting Freeman Way and turning left has a hard time getting onto Marmion Avenue safely.
    Also, traffic turning right into Warwick Road waiting for the filter arrow banks up into the right hand lane of fast (80 km/h) traffic heading nortth on Marmion Avenue.
    Both these situations are dangerous and the solution is to link the two sides of Warwick Road.
    So let us have a four way junction, like most other places. Do it soon before there is a serious crash.


    Local Transport Issues - Perth Rail

    December 31, 1999
    The Wanneroo Times (Published)
    Dear Sir,


    Alana Mac.Tiernan speaks up quickly and sharply when she sees the government going wrong, which is often. But the delay in building a station at Greenwood is a good thing. I hope it never gets built. The station is only required for parking.

    The railway was designed for fast travel, fed by busses. There are not enough busses! Extra stations to have more car parks is a wrong move. More stations will slow down the trains and reduce capacity. Keep the trains fast!

    Alana, get on with campaigning for more busses.

    An example, west Sorrento residents have one bus route, the 423. The first one to Warwick in the morning is at 7:19, the connecting train arrives Perth 7:56! Too late for a lot of commuters!

    Yours Faithfully,

    The Editor, The Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,

    Trains to Rockingham
    Published 14 November 2000

    RE article in WT (2/11/2000) about trains to Rockingham. I fully support Peter Newman's idea that trains to Rockingham go down the Kwinana freeway.

    In fact it could easily terminate at the bus port or at a cost, tunnel to Perth station.

    However, we do not need a railway to Mandurah. I hope Mr. Newman agrees.

    There are plenty of places to live in Perth; there is no need to commute from Mandurah.

    If this railway is built, there will soon be more road traffic from Mandurah as well.

    I say move work to Mandurah (AND Joondalup AND Rockingham AND Midland). Perth is busy enough!

    Anyway, there is already a railway to Pinjarra. Put some trains on that and a link bus from Mandurah to Pinjarra.


    10 June 2002
    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times (Published)
    Dear Sir
    Greenwood Station

    Referring to your letter from D. Cormack "In Depth", Community, June 6 2001.
    What on earth is the benefit to him of a railway station at Greenwood if he lives in Wembley Downs?
    This promise of the Liberal government should be broken by the Labour government.
    It is well known the extra station is to have more car parking, and will slow down the trains and reduce capacity. The money saved could be used to buy more trains and increase travel comfort. Commuters are literally packed like sardines from Warwick to Perth on fast trains.
    There are also not enough busses.
    This is all old hat. Let us extend the line north, no boom gates, more trains, more busses, and do not waste money on Greenwood station.


    Local Issues - Driving

    2 December 1986
    To Wanneroo Times (Published)
    Dear Sir,

    TORQUEBACK:- Ideas to keep the toll down

    With today's road users, you are not even safe inside your own home.
    The road toll, injury and damage statistics are worsening and the police pre ineffective in controlling them.
    The only controls working are seat-belts and no-claim bonuses.
    I would like to add what I think are original suggestions to ideas in circulation.
    1. Have a 75 per cent claim bonus after two years for compulsory third Party insurance ... those who cause injury to subsidise the bonus.
    2. Police to use positive evidence such as photographs in prosecutions, rather than, say a six month-old memory usually refreshed from notes of dubious honesty.
    3. Have offenders fit tachographs to their vehicles.
    One well-know method of keeping drivers honest consists of increased uniformed patrols on foot, bicycles and marked vehicles.
    Where would the staff come from for the increased patrols?
    My suggestion is where a Policeman needs a partner he or she could be recruited temporarily from prison inmates, parolees or those doing community service, provided that they can read and are non violent. These people could take notes, hold the tape, radio for help or generally assist.
    We have a lot to gain giving "it" a try,

    Yours faithfully

    14 May, 1996
    To the "West Australian"
    Dear Sir,

    As a non habitual speeder, I recently paid a Multanova speeding fine but I am suspicious as to the accuracy or fairness of the fine.

    I inspected the photographic evidence which did not show the vehicle which had just cut in close in front of me.

    The constable that showed me the photograph told me that the radar used is more accurate than the hand - held radar which he says was used when I tested my speedometer 2 years ago with inconsistent results. As I explained to the officer, I drove through the radar site, which was for the public to test their speedos, at a carefully controlled steady 70 km/hr. The radar's speed indicator showed 77 km/hr, 74 km/hr and 72 km/hr in sequence. There was no other traffic on the road. This radar was touted by the Police at the time as completely accurate. This is clearly not the case.

    I was never accused of speeding where this radar was used. What the constable should have said was that the previous radar system was completely inaccurate, certainly not acceptable as incontrovertible evidence. A total refund of all such fines may be necessary.

    Yours Faithfully,

    The Editor, The Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,

    Police drivers are not always the best
    Published 25 July 2000

    Referring to the letter from C. Van de Klashorst praising the high driving standards of the police, I can remember a police motorcyclist pushing in front of me when he entered Beach road from Warwick road. He ignored a give way sign.

    They say that most accidents happen close to home. This junction is close to Warwick police station!

    Although I complained to the police commissioner at the time, nothing was learnt by the police. This junction was soon to claim a life.

    Yours Faithfully,

    26 November 2001
    The Editor
    Joondalup Community
    Dear Sir
    Left Footers

    Your article "Parking stint goes horribly wrong" (Joondalup Community, 22 November) should give a warning of what might happen.
    It reminds me of the incident where a customer in the hairdresser's was killed by a car crashing through the shop window, also during a parking manoeuvre.
    My guess is these cars were both automatics. I've always said that there should be a special licence for automatics, just as there are for manuals. Automatics can take over too much, and techniques need to be taught which avoid accidents and keep control of the gears.
    Bill Fox says an advanced driver uses his left foot on the brakes of an automatic? This is not what I was told. The old trolley busses had the brake and accelerator pedals well to the right, for one foot operation, so I must doubt what Bill says here.
    We need to urgently address this item of driver training before someone else is killed.


    24 April 2002
    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir

    Dear Sir
    C.Klaasen complains of being tailgated in Trappers Drive, (WT - 23 April) and goes "even slower just to annoy the person behind".
    This action is the safe way to handle the problem. Doing nothing means you accept this dangerous practice, and speeding up means the crash if it comes will be more severe.
    There are some natural laws. Clearly, the person behind controls the following distance; however, the person in front controls the speed.
    So Mr. tailgater, how fast do you want to go?


    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Just cruising

    Dear Sir
    A small detail please to add to the correspondence about tailgating, in particular flashing of stoplights.
    I flash mine for half a second each time I disengage my cruise control. This is the way it is turned off.
    So tailgaters please respect this apparent disrespect for your disciplinary measure, I'm just doing what I have to do, perhaps approaching traffic lights or catching up with the preceding vehicle.


    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Rosie O'Grady's

    Dear Sir

    Someone, don't know who as the article is unsigned, wrote a piece in 'Wheels and deals' about the junction of James and Milligan streets. The article is correct in all respects, drivers should stop at the stop sign.

    The article also said the police are not doing much about it, but did not say there had been an accident, or even a lot of skidding noises.

    I can't help feeling this article is there because the writer looks out of his or her window at work. After all, the junction is unusual. People going west on James Street, through the stop sign, are going straight on. And you do not have to stop when heading east. I think the junction could have been designed better, how about a roundabout?

    Surely your great paper has more important things for the motoring writers to write about, and more local issues.

    We have had article complaining about the 50 km/h speed limit, and advocating use of mobile phones while driving, and why is there no comment about the tailgating correspondence?

    The 50 km/h limit must be considered as of virtually no consequence on journey times. Once you get out of your suburb, the limit goes up.

    Mobile phones are a distraction, and driving is a job requiring your undivided attention. See how easy it is to miss stop signs!

    So I agree with the article. Let us all concentrate on driving safely and lawfully, at all times, no exceptions.


    Message should not be moving Green wave 28 August 2003
    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir

    I must take issue with every point of Shirley Neville's letter Its archaic and doesn't work (WT 26 August)

    The list of changes she makes supposedly causes unfairly quick loss of licence points.

    Seat belts? They save lives, and how long does it take to clip them in now?

    Multanovas? Despite their faults, at least you have photographic evidence. The police and shire rangers used to hide in the bushes, too! And the seriousness of the "offence" depended on their attitude.

    Red light cameras? More photographic evidence hopefully will lead to more law abiding and safer driving.

    Booze busses? Do you want to go back to walking a straight line? Or drunks driving cars into your bedroom?

    Reduced speed limits at peak times? Congestion will do that anyway. Campaign for better roads!

    Double demerit points? Try and avoid driving on public holidays - it might save your life.

    Lastly, archaic is related to the past, and the letter is about today's conditions.

    We need more checking of driver performance, not less. The government is doing some good with road safety. those that want less restrictions are asking for more crashes.


    Cutting in
  • Speed limit for towed trailers
  • Safer Driving
  • Better driving saves pollution

    18 March 1999 To the "West Australian"
    Dear Sir,

    I rode my bike home from Forest Place to Sorrento last Friday. Quite a tricky proposition, to start with, getting out of town. (No cycle-way). Then on the soon to be closed route alongside the freeway adjacent to Aberdeen Street, nice easy going.

    Under the freeway at Vincent Street and cross to Lake Monger. Negotiate the traffic lights in four separate sections. Typical, I thought, other vehicles only stop once.

    Now a nice ride along the Lake! And the first direction sign of the trip. What's this, a fence? (That sign is now wrong!) Now I need to use low gear to cross the bridge. Watch out for the hairpin bend to get onto the eastern side cycle way.

    Back in business until Powis Street, more multi lights to cross. So under the freeway and back to the west side. Now watch for the deep sand on the corner.

    Not a bad ride now into Osborne Park. Not so good crossing the freeway on busy Hutton Street, but not a bad ride on the East side again. Comes out at Cedric street and yes, more multi lights.

    Now we are on a quiet street, (Hertha Road) until the bend at the end, where we cross to the cycle way.

    It is pleasant woodland now until Balcatta Road, except for the multi lights at Karrinyup Road. At least there was an accurate sign there, even if it was graffitied. I hardly noticed crossing Erindale Road using the underpass. Legs a bit wobbly now climbing Gribble Road, so got off and walked. Crossing Balcatta Road on a bend, I'd better run.

    Less to report now there are underpasses at Beach and Warwick Roads. Must be back in civilisation. This is followed by a pleasant run down Warwick Road to Sorrento, for a cold shower.

    That fence at Lake Monger is there to keep everyone out because people were walking into the path of bikes. Lots of accidents they say. Lots of accidents on Wanneroo Road too, but they didn't close that. When did the Councillors of Vincent ever ride a bike? They should try it sometime. There are more hazards than I have mentioned, and they should be fixed to encourage cycling. More fitness, less pollution.

    Take a leaf out of Montreal's book - they have grade separated paths for bikes and pedestrians round their parks!

    Yours Faithfully,

    The Editor

    Wanneroo Times

    Cutting in

    Dear Sir

    One of my pet hates when driving is people cutting in.

    We all know the format, draw up alongside the gap, simultaneous signal and move, get in front then brake.

    The silliest offenders are the ones who push in behind a slow vehicle which is holding up traffic. This shows a complete lack of roadcraft, besides the danger caused to those in the lane being entered.

    And the worst offenders are the drivers of large four wheel drives and commercial type vans.

    So the victim now cannot see until he drops back, and get the smell of diesel smoke in his car.

    You can see why some people have kangaroo bars and large cars. Self defence against these urban terrorists.

    Regards 10 February 2002
    The Editor
    The Wanneroo Times.
    Dear Sir

    Bicycles on Shared paths

    Regarding the new rules for the shared paths, well explained by Senior Constable Matt Moltran (WT Feb. 5 2002). It would be simpler to state that all wheeled vehicles on the paths are pedestrian unless it is a bicycle.
    So if it is a bike you must keep left, if not you should, but don't have to.
    Well, that is unless you encounter a bike keeping left. The rider CANNOT go past you on the wrong side.
    So why the discrimination?


    17 November 2003
    The Editor
    The Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,
    Reply to in depth - Cyclists

    I agree 100% with Tony Veale (WT in depth - 13 November).
    Drivers cutting off cyclists when turning left is all too common.
    I don't cycle much, and rarely on a busy road. But I have had this happen many times.
    I had a similar experience walking, when a car hooted at me for walking in front of him, even though I had got well past the center of the road. The driver abused me and threatened me even after I told him he should give way.
    The matter was reported to the police, who did nothing to discourage this type of thing with this driver, indeed I think they encouraged him.
    However, the driver admitted hooting, which is "unnecessary use of horn", an offence.
    I remember the police commissioner stating if an offence is committed, he must prosecute. Never did.
    So Mr Veale, you must defend yourself, perhaps you could start by having a red flag sticking out the side of your carrier.


    24 June 2004
    The Editor
    Wanneroo Times
    Dear Sir,
    Shared not dual

    Nice to see one of the missing links in the cycleway is being fixed at Mullaloo (WT 22 Jun)
    However it is not a dual use path, but a shared path. this means we can use our wheelchairs or skateboards on the path.


    Air travel

    The Editor, The "Wanneroo Times" (Published)
    Dear Sir,


    A few years ago, there was pressure applied, and successfully resisted by people power, for an airport to be built at Neerabup. A case of "not in my back yard". Nevertheless, there seem to be a lot of light aircraft in the sky over Sorrento. Where are all these aircraft coming from? I would be interested to know if they all have a flight plan, the purpose of the flight, and what sites they would consider for an emergency landing. There must be a lot of sites, as a lot of these aircraft are flying at around 1000 ft. I would also like to know if there are any regulation governing the noise of these aircraft. Some are very noisy and must be fitted with the most rudimentary of silencers, while one military replica has no silencer at all. I hope someone will answer these questions. It seems People Power has been outflanked.

    Yours Faithfully,

    13 April 2001
    The Editor, West Australian
    Dear Sir

    Your recent article on Boeing's 787 and the possibility of flying non stop to Europe was interesting.
    I would personally prefer not to travel such a long time in a more cramped than usual seat.
    And the speed of sound at the height stated is 1056 km/h, not 1200 km/h as per your article. So mach 0.95 is not as fast as it sounds.
    Are Boeing really working on the flying wing featured in a previous article? Or are they just trying to look good as was the case for their SST?



    E-Mail: Jack Moore